Saturday, October 3, 2009

ye old disaster

today was rennfest. there is no way to avoid the array of wonderful foods. well, there is if you have any bit of willpower...which i dont. i have nothing witty to say about what i ate so ill probably just list it.

this morning started off pretty good. bob and i went for a walk and then for a bite at starbucks. what did i get? the tall, non-fat 2 equal iced caramel macchiato and a spinach/egg white whole wheat wrap. what did i want? a brownie. anyway, i digress.

renn fest was a complete (wonderful disaster). in years past ive been the DD so ive never drank...well this year i could drink so boy did i. i had a few beers (not light), a few ciders (not light), and here we go....

1. a baked potato w/cheese, butter and turkey bbq (i barely shared with bob, he maybe got 3 bites...MAYBE)
2. half of a pretzel
3. piece of a pickle
4. a portion of cookies from the cookies in a cone stand
5. a bite of dirt cake
6. a bite of a scotch egg
7. corn on the cob (no butter)
8. 3 pieces of fried cheese
9. 3 bites of fryed bread with strawberry filling


then around 11 i was hungry again and tried to flush my system with a cup of vegan soup from trader joes and broccoli slaw. probably didnt work.

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