Friday, October 2, 2009

starving...i mean starting over

so just a brief intro before i officially start this blog.

ive struggled with weight my whole life. finally at age 26 i decided id had enough. after my best friends wedding in january of 2008, i started a life-change. i went hard-core on weight watchers and joined a new gym. between 1/08 and 1/09 i lost 60 lbs. lots of things happened in between including meeting my current boyfriend and i gained some of the weight back. i blame eating out and dating. but its fine, the outcome of that situation is worth this. currently, ive gained 10lbs. to a skinny person that doesnt seem like a lot. to someone like me who has worked her butt off to lose weight, those 10lbs are driving me crazy. it has pushed me even further from my goal and actually has motivated me to lose even more. i used to gym every single day and burn at least 500 calories. lately im lucky if that happens just once per week.

im back on track today. ill be gyming everyday when possible and back to counting points. weight watchers is great because it helps me monitor my portions and track food, but what it doesnt allow me to do is talk about food...which is my favorite thing. so thats what this blog is for. ill be talking about food i like, food i miss, food i ate that maybe i shouldnt have...etc. ill also touch on awesome workouts that have helped me.

i dont know who will be reading this...but on a daily basis i refer to myself as "large" or "fat"...i dont have low-self esteem, but i will use those words in this blog. my friends call themselves "big eagles". its how we deal. it isnt meant to harm. i only hate skinny people a little bit. and when i say hate, i dont mean the angry kind of hate. thats enough explanation. enjoy the read.

weight loss short term goal:
10 lbs down by nov 13th

weight loss long term goal:
40 lbs down by next October 2010.

workout goal:
30 min of cardio everyday
50 min yoga at least twice a week


  1. Ive been struggling with 10 pounds for 2 years now. I bet its all the cookies.

    Good luck, baby eagle.

  2. I was going to get fast food for a quick lunch today, but at the last minute I instead headed to Wegmans to buy a Smart Ones for lunch. However, to celebrate their anniversary, Wegmans game me a piece of cake. Which I ate while selecting my Smart Ones entree. Big Eagle.
