Friday, January 7, 2011

Beans, beans the musical fruit!

This week I started hardcore on Weight Watchers and exercising--again. It has become abundantly clear by looking at the calendar that I have less than 10 months before I have to squeeze myself into a wedding gown and have pictures taken of me that will be in my home and displayed amongst family members FOREVER.

I got engaged in May of 2010. The smart person would have gone hardcore on a diet and exercise regime then. No, not I. Kara decided to wait until January and have panic attacks instead.

So, I'm back to blogging to air grievances about dieting and eating and how I hate that Jennifer Hudson is the spokesperson for WW. I'd lose 70 lbs too if I had personal trainers and didnt work 9-5 everyday.

This is not the time to be bitter. I cant complain about what I did or didnt do...I can only move forward and fix my problem.

As of Monday I was back to counting my Points Plus (a whole other topic for a later date) and exercising everyday for at least 45 minutes. I've lost 1.5 lbs this week. Its a start.

Breakfast and lunch are no problem for me. Dinner is the problem. I'm also feeding Bob who cant eat just salads and Morningstar burgers like I lived on for a year. So, I find ridiculous things to make that are masked as real meals.

I've had a bag of lentils in my cupboard for maybe 3 years. I'm hoping they dont go bad because I finally used them the other night in a "veggie 3-bean chili". It was okay. Actually, it was a disaster because I tried to use the crock pot but I always forget that they are also called 'slow-cookers'. Sigh. So we dumped everything out of the crock pot into a real pot on the stove and cooked from there. Again, it was just okay.

I tend to cook with beans and make Bob think he is eating meat. Pretty sure its not working. He looks hungry.