Tuesday, April 6, 2010

getting there.

well, we survived the last really big eating holiday. easter. oh easter, you with your cadbury eggs, mini nestle crunch eggs, jelly beans, reeses pieces...how i love you. i ate sooo many of you. my hips and butt really thank you. they are so thankful that they decided to not fit into my lovely capri pants from ny&co from last summer. THANK YOU!

*side note...ny&co pants SUCK.

i digress.

yesterday morning i went to body pump with alayna. today i cannot move my chest muscles or my arms. i yell in pain when i stand up or sit down. wahoo! i know it worked then. tonight is some at-home ellipticalling and tomorrow is body flow/cardio.

ive been doing really well with food as well. i purchased 100 calorie mini ice cream sundaes (market pantry brand by target) for my nighttime snack and they are delightful! ive been eating salads the size of my face and actually counting and keeping track of my points. i did it once, i can do it again. my next major goal is to lose 10lbs by the middle of may. that seems drastic, but not really if i lose 2lbs a week which according to WW is pretty normal.

also-find of the day! starbucks...one tall iced non fat latte with sugar free caramel syrup is only 60 calories! 1 WW point! i ordered said drink and they yelled back to the barista, "one tall iced skinny caramel latte". ok thanks. put that on the menu then! it gives me anxiety when they yell skinny around me. it just makes me feel fat.


Saturday, March 27, 2010


it would be nice to post that ive lost 10 lbs. in actuality ive only lost like 4 lbs. it could be due to the fact ive decided that eating two dinners is normal. i had a small soup and salad at noodles & company and when that wasnt enough i had a small soup and salad at panera. i figured 2 small healthy meals were better than 1 large unhealthy one.

my logic is severely disabled. now ive been up since 430am and im pretty sure im going to make bob get us bagels.