Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ranch Dressing Heaven

Through all of my failed diets (and successful ones), the thing I miss the most is Ranch dressing. I know that may be gross, but I don't care. (Don't get me wrong, I miss giant cookies and tons of ice cream too.)

I may have stumbled upon the best low-fat Ranch dressing ever. Its only 50 calories per serving and delish. Of course, my taste buds may be deadened to good-tasting things since all I eat lately is tofu noodles and raw spinach.

Regardless...enjoy. Thank you Safeway. Your lines are awful any time of the day, but you have a decent line of low-calorie food. This picture is small and pointless.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Recently work has been stressful. Co-workers have been bringing me food to make me feel better. I've received offers of coffee, offers of doughnuts, carrot cake and fruit cups.

I've refused it all except one bite of the carrot cake.

Tonight I saw appetite suppressant rings that you wear as jewelry at Greetings and Readings. I almost bought one for every finger.

That's all.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Beans, beans the musical fruit!

This week I started hardcore on Weight Watchers and exercising--again. It has become abundantly clear by looking at the calendar that I have less than 10 months before I have to squeeze myself into a wedding gown and have pictures taken of me that will be in my home and displayed amongst family members FOREVER.

I got engaged in May of 2010. The smart person would have gone hardcore on a diet and exercise regime then. No, not I. Kara decided to wait until January and have panic attacks instead.

So, I'm back to blogging to air grievances about dieting and eating and how I hate that Jennifer Hudson is the spokesperson for WW. I'd lose 70 lbs too if I had personal trainers and didnt work 9-5 everyday.

This is not the time to be bitter. I cant complain about what I did or didnt do...I can only move forward and fix my problem.

As of Monday I was back to counting my Points Plus (a whole other topic for a later date) and exercising everyday for at least 45 minutes. I've lost 1.5 lbs this week. Its a start.

Breakfast and lunch are no problem for me. Dinner is the problem. I'm also feeding Bob who cant eat just salads and Morningstar burgers like I lived on for a year. So, I find ridiculous things to make that are masked as real meals.

I've had a bag of lentils in my cupboard for maybe 3 years. I'm hoping they dont go bad because I finally used them the other night in a "veggie 3-bean chili". It was okay. Actually, it was a disaster because I tried to use the crock pot but I always forget that they are also called 'slow-cookers'. Sigh. So we dumped everything out of the crock pot into a real pot on the stove and cooked from there. Again, it was just okay.

I tend to cook with beans and make Bob think he is eating meat. Pretty sure its not working. He looks hungry.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

getting there.

well, we survived the last really big eating holiday. easter. oh easter, you with your cadbury eggs, mini nestle crunch eggs, jelly beans, reeses pieces...how i love you. i ate sooo many of you. my hips and butt really thank you. they are so thankful that they decided to not fit into my lovely capri pants from ny&co from last summer. THANK YOU!

*side note...ny&co pants SUCK.

i digress.

yesterday morning i went to body pump with alayna. today i cannot move my chest muscles or my arms. i yell in pain when i stand up or sit down. wahoo! i know it worked then. tonight is some at-home ellipticalling and tomorrow is body flow/cardio.

ive been doing really well with food as well. i purchased 100 calorie mini ice cream sundaes (market pantry brand by target) for my nighttime snack and they are delightful! ive been eating salads the size of my face and actually counting and keeping track of my points. i did it once, i can do it again. my next major goal is to lose 10lbs by the middle of may. that seems drastic, but not really if i lose 2lbs a week which according to WW is pretty normal.

also-find of the day! starbucks...one tall iced non fat latte with sugar free caramel syrup is only 60 calories! 1 WW point! i ordered said drink and they yelled back to the barista, "one tall iced skinny caramel latte". ok thanks. put that on the menu then! it gives me anxiety when they yell skinny around me. it just makes me feel fat.


Saturday, March 27, 2010


it would be nice to post that ive lost 10 lbs. in actuality ive only lost like 4 lbs. it could be due to the fact ive decided that eating two dinners is normal. i had a small soup and salad at noodles & company and when that wasnt enough i had a small soup and salad at panera. i figured 2 small healthy meals were better than 1 large unhealthy one.

my logic is severely disabled. now ive been up since 430am and im pretty sure im going to make bob get us bagels.


Sunday, October 18, 2009


i ate a cinnamon bun the size of my face today. thats all.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

mini candy bars are the devil

havent posted in awhile...i was doing really well. lost about 7lbs last week. thats what happens when i go hardcore on WW/exercise. drops right away. i also find that i cannot eat healthy on mondays. my body still thinks its the weekend...and on thursdays my body also thinks its the weekend, so basically im healthy tuesday and wednesday. WTF?

i hate halloween but love those damn mini candy bars! its hardly anything, right!? today i had 1 small package, and i mean small of m&ms. im staring at the business end of a mini crunch bar as well.

at least i have dodgeball for exercise tonight. what?

Friday, October 9, 2009

The problem with children

I always get Simon enough food to feed a large child, because he is a small child and I want him to grow. Unfortunately, my plan backfires when, not only does he not eat much, but I dont like to "waste" so I eat his meals in addition to my own. I'm building a large child and encorporating it into my adipose tissue.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

melts in your mouth and sticks to your hips

my dear friend tina brought in 2 (count 'em) 2 bags of m&ms. one bag of plain and one of peanut. i cannot resist m&ms. but these were extra special. these were halloween colors...there was lime green! awesome! im pretty sure i ate 50. im the worst. not only am i not being good today, im proclaiming it on the blog. hello world! my weakness is m&ms! i have no willpower! to quote tommy boy "my brain is a candy coated shell".

falafel me

i couldnt resist the falafel bar in the cafeteria today. i had 1 whole wheat pita, some hummus, 3 falafel balls, the israeli cucumber salad but avoided the cucumber white sauce stuff. it was fantastic. i was very close to eating the soup i brought too...but instead ate some broccoli slaw. sometimes once i start eating i cant stop. really all i want is more falafel. i cant resist it!!! tonight is dodgeball and im hoping to do a few laps around the court before the game. i say this every week and never do it. ill have to think of the falafel i ate and picture it glued to my butt because thats exactly where its going if i dont get to a gym stat. falafel butt.